Pursuant to the Alabama Communications Reform Act, beginning November 30, 2020, certain intrastate telephone services provided by Union Springs Telephone Company, Inc. (“USTC”), other than basic (unbundled) telephone service and certain stand-alone Optional Calling Features, will no longer be provided under tariffs (filed rate schedules) approved by the Alabama Public Service Commission. These newly de-tariffed services include “packages” or “bundles,” special promotions and all services provided under contract. With the limited exception of certain business service arrangements governed by special contracts, such services shall be governed by USTC’s Customer Service Agreement and Terms and Conditions, which incorporates your service order and/or our Price List. If you order non-telephone services as part of a bundle, such as video or Internet services, you may also be subject to additional terms and conditions related to such services. A complete copy of the Customer Service Agreement, as well as any terms and conditions for other services, may be found at http://www.ustconline.net, and will be mailed to all affected customers. There will be no change in your current service and rates on November 30, 2020. We will provide you with at least thirty (30) days notice prior to any subsequent change in the terms and conditions of your service or any price increase, other than an increase attributable to the collection of government-imposed taxes or fees. The Customer Service Agreement and Terms and Conditions also includes a disclaimer of warranties and a limitation of liability provision.

These new terms and conditions will take effect automatically for all affected services provided by USTC on November 30, 2020, unless you disconnect your service or change to stand-alone basic telephone service.

If you have questions, please call us at 334-738-4400.

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